Are they struggling with accuracy when adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing? Is it taking twice the amount of time it should for your students to complete assignments? Do you dread teaching long division or multiplication because students don’t know their math facts?
Why It Works
Do your students have so many gaps in their learning that you feel like you can’t catch them up?
We’ve been there, too.
That’s why we created Foundation Math.
Foundation Math is designed to provide focused, leveled math practice in just 15 minutes a day. Students learn foundational math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and basic concepts for fractions, decimals, geometry, and measurement. Students receive immediate feedback and teachers receive data and reports for parents, administration, and district personnel for monitoring and RTI purposes.
Through automaticity, students free up their working memory and can devote it to problem solving and learning new concepts and skills.
Geary, 1994
Many times students struggle because they haven’t mastered the prior skills for grade-level content.
Are your students entering the classroom with the prior skills needed to learn new concepts? It is important to develop number sense at each grade level. When students lack prior knowledge for concepts, such as math fact fluency, they quickly become frustrated and lack perseverance in problem-solving.

Without automatic instant recall, students are likely to experience high cognitive loads and produce work that is inaccurate.
How can students apply, synthesize, and evaluate higher math concepts when they lack the foundation? Simple recall and recognition of facts is the most basic level of all learning – knowledge. Students must acquire this in order to progress in math.
When students know their math facts, they can do grade-level work without frustration or failure.
The creators of Foundation Math witnessed the transformation in their students. Their attitudes toward math become more positive and as their confidence grew, they were able to persevere and grasp new concepts.